In this article, we will cover:


TINT's API is a RESTful API that allows you to interact with TINT's data and features. It is built on HTTP, uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize applications to access data on behalf of the user, and requests and responses are formatted in JSON:API specification.
The TINT API provides a variety of endpoints that allow you to do things like:

  • Create, update, and delete tints
  • Manage users
  • Manage teams
  • Insights into your TINTs
  • And much more

The TINT API is a powerful tool that can be used to automate tasks, keep your data up-to-date, and integrate with other applications. If you are looking for a way to get more out of TINT, then our API is definitely the way to go.

For complete documentation on our API please reference our developer docs, found here.

How to add a Webhook

  1. Click on the name in the right-hand corner
  2. Click on Team Settings
  3. Click on API on the left-hand side in the list
  4. Click on + Add button next to the WebHooks header
  5. This will open a pop-up box.  For this, you will need an
  6. Then you will select SELECT EVENTS TO LISTEN TO: from the list 
  7. Click on Apply
  8. This will put your Webhook in the list

How to add a webhook - API TINT - 31st July 2023.gif

How to create an OAuth Application

  1. Click on the name in the right-hand corner
  2. Click on Team Settings
  3. Click on API on the left-hand side in the list
  4. Click on + Add button next to the OAuth Applications header
  5. This will open a pop-up box.  For this, you will need a DISPLAY NAME and REDIRECT URI.
  6. Click Create
  7. This will put your OAuth Application in the list

How to create an OAuth Application - API TINT - 31st July 2023.gif

How to get the Client and Secret ID for the OAuth Application

  1. To open the information, click on the dropdown arrow on the OAuth Application you want to see the Client and Secret ID for
  2. The Client ID is already visible.  To get the Secret ID, click on Show
  3. This will then ask you for your TINT password, enter this and click Confirm Password
  4. Then your Secret ID will be visible for you to copy as well

How to get the Client and Secret ID in OAuth Application - API TINT - 31st July 2023.gif

If you have any questions regarding the TINT API, please don't hesitate to contact Technical Support at

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