Global Moderation

In this article, we will cover:

How to moderate in Global Moderation view

With Global Moderation, you can moderate content from multiple TINTs, all in one place!

To get into the Global Moderation view: 

  1. Go to the TINT board page
  2. Click on the Globe 
  3. This will take you to the Global Moderation view
  4. This view will look similar to a regular TINT board but with some slight differences:
    The post will have the TINT board's name in the right-hand corner

    There is a list of sort by options -
    Time Posted, Last Moderated, Pinned, Relevancy and a similar filter to a regular TINT board
  5. On your posts, you can make them private/public, tag, rights requests and add product tags to them. 

Global Moderation - 10th October 2023.gif

For more information on how to moderate, please click here.

If you have any questions on Global Moderation, please e-mail us at

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