Latest Updates

Wondering what's new on TINT? Here, we will share our latest engineering updates, features, and product changes to keep you in the know about the exciting developments on our platform. 

12/03/2024 - Feature updated - Clients can now change the colors of the link in Form Builder forms.  For example, terms and conditions and privacy policy on the Rights Management Consent element.  This setting can be found under Manage Styles - Link.
12/11/2024 - API endpoint added - To the API, we have added a new endpoint to retrieve a list of events that were sent to a particular webhook including each of the attempts and their results. Click here for more information
11/16/2024 - Feature added - A new Community Product Review template has been added to Form Builder, designed to work with the Product Review activity in communities. It comes pre-configured with hidden fields for Form Builder to collect the member ID, product, and whether or not the review was incentivized
11/16/2024 - Feature added - A new section called Workflow has been added to Form Builder.  This is where clients can syndicate content to BazaarVoice/PowerReviews when a form submission is received.  Also, this section gives the ability to send an email to when a form has been submission.  For example, a thank you email or an internal email
11/16/2024 - Feature added - Email Template Editor is a new feature where clients can create different types of email templates including review solicitation and form submission thank you emails.  The body of the email will support HTML and Liquid templates.  Email Templates are also fully localizable.  When Form Builder sends an email, it automatically selects the most appropriate locale by prioritizing: first, the exact locale of the form; next, the same language as the form (but not necessarily the same region); and finally, the first available locale. Each locale can have its own sender name/address, subject line, and body content.
11/16/2024 - Feature updated - Some of the form elements have additional validation options including minimum/maximum length, minimum/maximum value, and pattern (regular expression). They vary by type and can be found in the Validation section of each element.
11/16/2024 - Feature added - Zinrelo clients will be able to see a Zinrelo in the left navigation that will log you into the Zinrelo platform
11/22/2024 - Theme added - Video Slider that autoplays videos when users hover over the video.  This theme only displays videos that play in the browser's native video player, which means unfortunately this is not possible to implement for TikTok posts.  This theme is based on our Horizontal Slider theme.
10/29/2024 - URL Updated - We changed the app from to  This will enhance security for our users.
09/21/2024 - Feature Updated - UGC Studio adding to a collection has been refined so assets will now remain in the collection where they were when added to another collection. Click here to learn more about UGC Studio and how to manage your assets
09/19/2024 - Feature updated - When searching by keyword, the sort order will now automatically update to relevancy, ensuring that the most relevant results are at the top of the editor.  Click here to learn more about the filter bar and the search function
09/18/2024 - Feature added - Form Builder now also supports Vimeo video.  Click here to learn how this works
09/13/2024 - Feature added - Form Builder now supports adding Youtube video.  Click here to learn how this works
09/11/2024 - Feature added - Form Builder has the option to choose to display the form in a modal or non-modal dialog/popup instead of a regular embed. Click here to learn how to implement this
09/04/2024 - Feature added - Net Promoter Score template has been added to the Form Builder template options.  Click here to learn more. 
09/04/2024 - Feature added - Threads is now supported in a Community and the following will be available:
- Members can connect Threads to the community which will show the number of followers they have and Admin will be able to see this in the member profiles
- Members can now participate in two new activity types, Threads, and Upload Photo Threads
- Admin can now create Groups and Lists based on whether members have Threads and/or how many followers they have
08/16/2024 - Feature added - Creator IQ customer can now ingest their influencer content directly into TINT as we have launched a CreatorIQ social feed.  If you are a Creator IQ customer and would like this ability, please get in touch with us at or your CSM for assistance
08/14/2024 - Feature added - Community customers can now use a SAML or OpenID Connect compatible identity provider to authenticate community members. This completely replaces TINT's login functionality and hides the ability for members to update their email and password once logged in. If you would like to enable this feature, please get in touch with us at for assistance
07/31/2024 - Feature added - Add a new section for Terms & Conditions.  This is where customer can manage their rights management T&Cs. Click here to find out more
07/31/2024 - Feature updated - added the ability to upload Terms and Conditions as a doc, docx or pdf file.  Click here to find out more
07/18/2024 - Feature updated - Form Builder Embed code has been moved to its own section.  Click here to see how to get your Form Embed code
07/18/2024 - Feature added - New element added to Form Builder - Multiple Matrix.  Click here to see this new element
07/04/2024 - Feature updated - Ratings & Review clients can now mark reviews as incentivized within TINT boards. Click here to see how to add this
07/04/2024 - Feature updated - The TINT board filters have been updated so you can quick find incentivized or non-incentivized posts. This also works with saved filters. Click here to see the update 
07/04/2024 - Feature added - The ability to change the wording of Verified Buyer and Incentivized Review. Click here for how to do this for the Verified Buyer and click here for how to do this for the Incentivized Review
07/04/2024 - Feature added - The ability to indicate if a review was incentivized via the Acceptance Checkbox or Hidden field.  Click here for how to do this with Acceptance Checkbox
07/02/2024 - Feature updated - Elements will see up to 2 lines of text to make them more identifiable when building a form
06/13/2024 - Feature added - New element added to Form Builder - Hidden field type.  To execute the new element, we also have a new parameter, data-form-values
06/06/2024 - Feature added - New element added to Form Builder - Single Matrix. Click here to see this new element
06/03/2024 - Feature updated - Filestacker picker has been replaced with our own file uploader with includes the ability to choose content from UGC Studio when creating a custom post. Click here to see this change.
05/17/2024 - Feature added - Our Ratings and Review Table theme will now display a Verified Buyer badge in the main display and pop-up.  This works in conjunction with verified attribute that was released on May 9th
05/14/2024 - Feature added - Show Video Control setting has been added to all new themes. Click here for more information
05/13/2024 - Feature updated - Add a new setting to control the spacing between the form elements in Form Builder. Click here to find out more
05/10/2024 - Feature added - The ability to optionally pre-fill forms for customers by adding the parameter - data-form-values=""
05/09/2024 - Feature added - The ability to export a list of collaborators via CSV file.  Click here for more information
05/09/2024 - Feature added - Our API support setting reviews (only) as verified. By default, all reviews will be marked as not verified but customers can leverage our post created webhook to listen for the creation of reviews, do a check on their end based on the author's email and the tagged products, and make an API call back to us to let us know the review is verified.
05/09/2024 - Feature updated - Public Add a Post and Ratings & Reviews are now powered by Form Builder. Customers with the old version of the feeds will find an "Upgrade" option by clicking on the cog next to their existing social feed where they can make the switch.  All the information for the existing feeds have been moved onto separate articles - Public Add a Post (Existing Feed version) and Rating & Reviews (Existing Feed Version)
05/02/2024 - Feature updated - The ability to choose the type of content to import on the Community Content Social Feed. Click here to learn more about Community Content Social Feed
04/03/2024 - Feature added - One new element added to Form Builder - Image. Click here to find out more
04/16/2024 - Feature added - Accessibility elements added to the platform community
04/16/2024 - Feature added - SFTP as product account option added. Click here for more information
04/22/2024 - Feature added - Addable hints in Form Builder. This is supported by the single line, multi-line, dropdown, email address, phone number, website, and file upload types.
04/22/2024 - Feature added - Community members on communities with our new transactional emails can now choose which type of notifications they want to receive
04/25/2024 - Feature added - PowerReviews is now available in the community platform to add as an activity type
04/26/2024 - Feature updated - FTP, FTPS, and SFTP product feeds now support ingesting product from multiple files in a folder
04/30/2024 - Feature updated - Addable paragraphs for Form Builder
04/20/2024 - Feature added - 3 new Webhooks event types for product feeds added - product_feed_created, product_feed_updated and product_feed_destroyed
03/01/2024 - Feature added - Uploaded fonts will appear in UGC Studio's list of fonts in the image editor
03/01/2024 - Feature removal - URLs that were displayed underneath the TINT board as this has been deprecated as they no longer serve a purpose going forward
03/01/2024 - Feature added - Form Builder - Files that have been selected in a form will now begin to upload immediately after being selected.  Also, a user will now be shown a progress bar to track the progress of their upload
03/02/2024 - Feature added - Form Builder - The locale the form was rendered in will be collected going forward and will be visible in the sidebar of the form submissions report view and in the CSV file along with the referer 
03/05/2024 - Feature removal - Mute Highlighted Video in Personalization - This feature has been removed as all browsers already prevent videos from auto-playing if the sound is on natively
03/08/2024 - Feature added - Bulk Functionality added to Personalizations, Experiences and Forms
03/26/2024 - Feature removal - The ability to add a slug when creating a TINT board.  Boards that already have a slug can continue to use them and any TINT boards created after the switch will have a numeric ID instead.  No functionality has changed
03/27/2024 - Feature added - Three new elements for Form Builder - Date, Acceptance, and Birthday
02/01/2024 - Feature added - Search bar on our Team Switcher. Everything is ordered alphabetically, so it may be quick to search for the team you are looking for
02/10/2024 - Feature added - Bazaarvoice - Added Product Feed option
02/10/2024 - Bug Fix - Influencer Feed - Influencers will be able to add their Instagram account again 
02/26/2024 - Feature added - Email Domains - a powerful new feature that allows you to personalize your community's communication. With this feature, you can now add your own domain name (e.g., as the sender address for emails sent from your community's sign-up form.
02/29/2024 - Feature added - the ability to bulk activate, deactivate, and delete TINT boards
02/29/2024 - Feature added - Fonts - As Fonts used across our platform, we have given them a new home under Team Settings
01/24/2024 - Feature added - Form Builder - Three new elements added: Smiley Scale, Multiple Choice and Dropdown. Click here see to the new elements.
01/24/2024 - Feature added - Experience Builder - With the addition of Form Builder to TINT, where you can build embeddable forms, we have added this to our Experience Builder offering as a block. Click here to learn how to put a Form Builder Block in Experience Builder.
01/30/2024 - Product change - Roles and Collaborators  - Collaborator permissions have been separated into multiple permissions 
01/30/2024 - Feature added - Roles and Collaborators - Roles, Community & Mission Hub and additional TINT Mixes permissions have been added.
01/30/2024 - Feature added - SAML - Additional SAML settings have been added under Security Settings
11/29/2023 - Product change - Twitter logo has been changed to X logo in TINT and all articles have been verified and updated accordingly
11/15/2023 - Feature added - Form Builder - search and filter functionality has been added 
11/15/2023 - Feature added - Form Builder - the new download for reports has been added and has the same ability as the Experience Builder version.  Click here to see how to do this
11/15/2023 - Product change - Experience Builder - Report view two download buttons have been merged into one single button and we have added the ability to optionally select a date range and if media files should be included. Click here to see how to do this.
11/07/2023 - Feature added - Form Builder - This feature allows brand customers to collect consumer data and feedback across touchpoints (website, landing pages, digital properties) through customizable form fields. Learn more about this feature in Form Builder
11/02/2023 - Product change - we have added new permissions for Webhooks and OAuth applications to roles which means that team administrators will be able to decide who can and cannot manage these permissions.  Click here for more information on Permissions 
10/25/2023 - Product Change - Public Add a Post - If upload custom Terms & Conditions section has nothing in it on the feed settings, it will not no longer go into UGC Studio and the post will no longer have the Green banner Rights Approved. 
10/13/2023 - Feature added - Experience Builder -  Form Submissions Files Download -  the ability to easily download all files associated with form submissions an Experience page receives.  Click here to see how to do this.
09/26/2023 - Feature added - Automatically Open the Public Add a Post Modal - Adding a parameter to the web embed will cause the public add a post (or review) modal to open automatically when the embed loads, or selectively, thereby enabling their customers to add a post without having to locate and click on the button to do so
09/21/2023 - Features added - HTTP, HTTPS, AWS S3, and BazaarVoice XML added as Product Feed options - To enable e-commerce-enabled customers to sync their products from a file hosted on a web server or securely via Amazon Web Service’s S3 service or who already produce a Bazaarvoice XML product feed to sync their products with us. Learn more about the additional options in Product Feeds
09/13/2023 - Feature added - Themes Tag Filter - To enable on-page filtering of UGC based on tags - Learn more about this feature in Saved Filter, Products, Keywords, and Tags
09/11/2023 - Feature added - Skip SAML Authentication - To enable teams that use SAML to work with external collaborators. Learn more about this feature in Single sign-on (SSO) and SAML (Enterprise SSO)
08/25/2023 - Updated version - TINT Extension - Both Safari and Chrome TINT Extensions have been updated to support users that have access to multiple teams.  Learn more about this feature in TINT Extension (Chrome and Safari) 
08/24/2023 - Product change - the ability for community administrators to duplicate missions hubs
08/24/2023 - Product change - the ability for community administrators to delete members
08/24/2023 - Feature added - TINT to Vesta connection - joint clients of Vesta and TINT will be able to access the Vesta Admin Portal directly within TINT - Learn more about this feature in Vesta
08/15/2023 - Product change - assets counter will no longer include content that has been archived
08/11/2023 - Feature added - TINT board inside Vesta communities - To give clients to the ability to place their TINT board inside of their user dashboard, activities and the forum.  Learn more about this change in How to Embed a TINT board into a Vesta Community
08/09/2023 - Feature added - Google Tag Manager in Experience Builder - To give clients the ability to modify Experience Builder pages with out-of-the-box changes - Learn more about this feature in Google Tag Manager for Experience Builder 
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