Curious about the latest content from TINT's articles section? Look no further, as we'll regularly post our new and updated articles to ensure you stay informed and up-to-date with TINT's knowledge offerings.
New Articles:
Whitelisting and Content Security Policy - An article on how to whitelist domains and configure Content Security Policies (CSPs) to ensure proper loading and security of TINT embeds on websites.
Form Builder - An example added to the Dialog section
How to setup the X API Key - Updating information regarding Basic X Developer plan
New Articles:
None currently
Form Builder - Extra information was added regarding the Community Sign Up form and element. Also, new elements Multiple Choice, Address, Production Association, and Number added
UGC Studio - Updated workflow and images for how to copy and move assets
Custom Posts - Article review and updating overview
How to setup the X API Key - Replaced imagery as X has updated their plans
Integrations Overview - Add verbiage regarding the usecase for X being different from the other Integrations
How to Embed a TINT board into a TINT Community - Article review and minor corrections
X (formerly Twitter) - A new section added - Important information about adding X feeds
Making TINT Mobile Responsive - Restructured the whole article and added a section on how to make a TINT form embed mobile responsive
How to embed your TINT board - Cleaned up styling and added more embed options
TINTmix - Added a section on How to put a TINTmix in full-screen mode
How to display your TINT board - Added a section on How to put a TINT board in full-screen mode
Influencer feed - Image updated from Twitter to X logo
Integrations Overview - Cleaned up styling and added how to contact Support
How to use the TINT event platform - Cleaned up styling and added how to contact Support
Single sign-on (SSO) and SAML (Enterprise SSO) - Removal of the LinkedIn sign in option and image updated
TINT Extension (Chrome and Safari) - Updated the workflow for How to use TINT Extension for TikTok and How to use TINT Extension for Instagram
Tiktok - Updated the workflow for How to use TINT Extension for TikTok
New Articles:
TINT Board Views - An article on the two different views of a TINT board. A main view and a specialized Ratings and Reviews view.
Form Builder - Added a new section on How to create a Form Builder Template - Net Promoter Score, added the element Youtube and Vimeo
Mission Hub - Added new sharing options - Threads and Upload Photo to Threads for an Activity Page
CSV Product Feed - Updated the section on what needs to be in a CSV file to upload correctly
Filter Bar - Added new sections on All, Private, Public, Trash, Main View, Ratings and Review View, and Search and Updated images to reflect UI changes
New Articles:
Terms and Conditions - An article on the new section for Terms and Conditions in the platform. This article shows how to use this new section and how to upload the added feature of PDF, doc, and docx documents instead
CreatorIQ - An article on our new social feed that links CreatorIQ content to a TINT board
Form Builder - Added two new sections on How to create a Form Builder Template - Community Sign Up and How to add a form to a Community Mission
Connections and Feed Counts - Added CreatorIQ as a social feed
New Articles:
Connections and Feed Counts - Twitter updated to X on this article
Ratings & Reviews - Four sections were added regarding the Incentivized Review feature and one was added regarding our Verified Buyer feature
Filter Bar - Updated an image for Action section as Incentivized options were added
Public Add a Post - Added a section on How to auto-tag content via a Form Build Submission
Ratings & Reviews - Added a section on How to auto-tag content via a Form Build Submission
Form Builder - New element Multiple Matrix added, 4 new sections on How to utilize Hidden Element element in Form Builder Submissions and the workflow changes to how to get the Form embed code
Roles and Collaborators - Added 2 new sections on How to bulk edit collaborators (role) and How to bulk delete collaborators. Also updated the Permissions Glossary
Facebook Ads Integration - Updated the workflow of How to push an asset to Facebook Ads Media Library from UGC Studio as Facebook Media Library integration has been updated by Meta
CSV Product Feed - Added line about managing duplicate lines or line breaks in a CSV file in How to prepare your CSV file for upload section
New Articles:
Custom Posts - Updated the section on How to add a custom post via media uploader has been changed to include UGC Studio as well as the file uploader
UGC Studio - Updated image for Uploading Asset
Form Builder - New element Single Matrix added and the section on How to auto-tag content via a Form Build Submission
Experience Builder - Added sections on How to bulk archive/unarchive/delete Experiences and how to delete an Experience
Personalization - Additional information was added to the section on How to bulk archive Personalizations
TINTmix - Added sections on How to delete a TINT mix and how to bulk delete TINTmixes
Personalization - Images updated
Instagram - Other important information about an Instagram Connection and their Feeds section updated with new information
New Articles:
Rating & Reviews (Existing Feed Version) - Due to Ratings & Reviews changing to a Form Builder Form, all the information for an existing feed has been moved to this article
Public Add a Post (Existing Feed version) - Due to Public Add a Post changing to a Form Builder Form, all the information for an existing feed has been moved to this article
Community (Vesta) - Add images and updated instructions on how to add different content for a Community Feed
Form Builder - New Elements added Paragraph and new parameter added data-form-values
Personalization - Images updated and the article reviewed
Slack - Social Feed - Added sections for how to edit a label, delete, pause, unpause and auto-moderate a feed
UGC Studio - Images updated and the article reviewed
Roles and Collaborators - New Section added - How to Download a list of your collaborators
Public Add a Post - Updating the whole article to the new Form Builder Form and added a section on how to swap to the Form Builder Form
Ratings & Reviews - Updating the whole article to the new Form Builder Form and added a section on how to swap to the Form Builder Form
Embed Code Parameters, Specifications, and Customizations - New parameter added data-form-values
Insights - Additional information added
FTP - Product Feed - Feature change added to the important information as you are able to add folders
SFTP - Product Feed - Feature change added to the important information as you are able to add folders
New Articles:
Bizzabo + TINT - An article on how to embed your TINT board and Form Builder Form into Bizzabo's Event Website
SFTP - Product Feed - This article covers a how-to to add SFTP Product account and SFTP Product feed inside TINT
Mission Hub - This article covers everything to do with the Mission Hub and the Mission pages in the community platform
Embed Code Parameters, Specifications, and Customizations - Adding data-post-tags to the Parameters as this appeared in Public Add a Post and Ratings and Reviews article
Form Builder - New Elements added Image, Birthday, Date and Acceptance
Personalization - Adding extra information about Autoscroll
Team Switcher - Adding Search function to the instructions and image updated
Product Feeds - Adding SFTP article to the list of available feeds
Hootsuite - Adding on how to add a Social account
New Articles:
Bazaarvoice - An article on our newly added Product Feed option: Bazaarvoice
Updated Articles:
Product Feeds - Updated this article with Bazaarvoice Product Feed option
TINT Boards - Changed the name from Creating a TINT board to TINT boards and added new sections on how to delete a TINT board and bulk deactivate/activate/delete TINT boards
ReviewTrackers - Changed the name from User Reviews to ReviewTrackers and completely revamped the whole article
Canva with TINT - Small edits
Flickr - Added sections for how to edit a label, delete, unpause, and pause a feed
Form Builder - New Elements added Spacer, Community Sign Up, and name change from Consent to Rights Management Consent
Tumblr - Added a section for how to edit a label
Product Feed - Shopify - Added sections on how to sync, delete, and export a Shopify Feed to CSV file and Important notes
TINT Extension (Chrome and Safari) - Updated images and a section on View Pending Requests added
Google News - Updated due to changes to Google News feed and how to set this up
RSS - Content checked and one of the steps updated
TINT Boards - Image updated due to the removal of slugs
New Articles:
Email Domains - An article on a powerful new feature that allows you to personalize your community's communication. With this feature, you can now add your own domain name (e.g., as the sender address for emails sent from your community's sign-up form.
Fonts - An article on our new section under Team Settings where all your fonts are displayed in one convenient list and can be used across TINT
Automated Moderation - Updated the style of the article, content checked and a link added to the article Adult Content Filter
Adult Content Filter - Updated the style of the article and the content checked
Cisco Webex Integration - Content checked and updated the support section
Creating a TINT board and Adding Content - Updated images to reflect the changes in the platform
Call To Action (CTA) Button - Change in Title from Adding Call To Action (CTA) Buttons in TINT to Call To Action (CTA) Button, updated all images and some verbiage changes.
Email - Add the following section How to delete an Email feed, How to pause or unpause an Email feed and How to switch on or switch off auto-moderation on an Email Feed. Also the style of the article was updated and the content checked
Instagram - Added the following sections: How to edit the label on an Instagram feed, How to delete an Instagram feed, How to pause or unpause an Instagram feed, How to switch on or switch off auto-moderation on an Instagram Feed and Reasons why Instagram posts may not show up in the TINT Editor. Also the style of the article was updated and the content checked
Public Add a Post - Added the following two sections: How to add auto-generating tags on PaaP for Web Embeds and How to add auto-generating tags for PaaP for URLs
Ratings & Reviews - Added the following two sections: How to add auto-generating tags on R&Rs for Web Embeds and How to add auto-generating tags for R&Rs for URLs
Saved Filters, Products, Keywords, and Tags - Edited the section on auto-generating tags on PaaP and R&Rs for Web Embeds and added the section on auto-generating tags for PaaP and R&Rs for URLs
New Articles:
Single sign-on (SSO) and SAML (Enterprise SSO) - Section added that we support Encrypted Assertions and the certificate uploaded and attached for downloading
Ratings & Reviews - Add a new setting that gives the ability to allow the user to upload multiple files or not and updated image that is in this section
Social Publishing - Update of the create a post image and important information added
SMS Social Feed (Text Message) - Information updated in the Important information about the SMS feed section
Adding an Instagram Business Account - Information and formatting reviewed and updated
Removing Duplicate Images - Information and formatting reviewed and updated
TINT and Chromecast - Information and formatting reviewed and updated
Community (Vesta) - changing some of the wording in the article to match branding
How to display your TINT board - Adding browser compatibility for displays to the article
TINTmix - Revamped the section - How to display a TINTmix as well as adding browser compatibility
Pinterest - Revamped the article and added 3 sections on how to delete, pause/unpause and rename a feed
Form Builder - Three new elements added and a slight formatting change
Experience Builder - A new section was added on How to add a Form Builder Block and the whole article reformatted
How to obtain rights to your content through UGC Rights - A new section was added on UGC Right Request Best Practices
Launchpad - Updated to reflect the new launchpad and different views
Roles and Collaborators - Updated two images and adding the new permissions type to the list
New Articles:
Changes to Themes - An article regarding the archiving of some of the older themes and CSS snippets from old to new comparison
Horizontal Slider Theme - Fully rewritten and new images added
InsTINT Updates - Updating one of the images
Form Builder - Added new elements into the Table and subsection about Language for the Form Embed Code. Also added the following new sections: How to edit a label, pause, unpause or delete a Form Builder feed
Testimonials Theme - Sections updated and new images added
Tag-O-War - Title change, fully rewritten, and new images added
TINTmix - Added an image on percentages regarding the zones
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and TINT - Reformatted and the changing of one sentence as the legalization is no longer new
New Articles:
Form Builder - This article covers our new feature Form Builder
Product Feed - AWS S3 - This article covers a how-to to add AWS S3 Product account and AWS S3 Product feed
Zapier Integration - This article covers the Zapier Integration and how to install this
BrandFolder Integration - This article covers BrandFolder and the Integration and how to link this to your TINT account
Connections and Feed Counts - Updating the image of the connections and adding Form Builder feed as an option
Product Feeds - Adding AWS S3 article to the list of available feeds and updating The FTP, HTTP, and AWS S3 product feeds now support the Bazaarvoice XML format
Facebook Ads - Integration - Images updated and a new how-to section added on How to push an asset to Facebook Ads Media Library from UGC Studio
How to embed TINT on WordPress - complete rewrite as WordPress no longer supports TINT boards in the same way. Two sections added: How to embed TINT on WordPress via the Editor and How to embed TINT on WordPress via Google Tag Manager
Bynder Integration - Layout changes and image updates
Integrations Overview - Adding Zapier and BrandFolder as an Integration option and changing the Twitter logo to the X logo
Roles and Collaborators - Adding Webhooks, OAuth Applications and Form Builder permissions to the list
How to resolve your Social Accounts - FAQ - Updates section on I keep getting the error message "Account does not match" when I am adding my social accounts
How to use the TINT event platform - Added more relevant articles for Events
Experience Builder - Adding the section on How to download the form report and all files via the Experience report view and updating the image for viewing a report
UTM Tracking for Embeds, Signage, and CTAs - Title changed, revamp on the structure and expanding on the meaning of the various UTMs
Access Tokens and Authentication - Rewording of certain sections to clarify important details and adding a link to another article to give more information
Public add a Post - Title change, new images, sections updated, and a new section added of How to get a Public add a Post form to pop up automatically when opening a TINT board, click here to learn more on how to do this.
Exporting Posts via CSV - Updated section on How to export a TINT board CSV file
Embed Code Parameters, Specifications, and Customizations - Complete revamp and new parameters added - example images coming soon
How to Enable Scrolling on Mobile Devices and Unresponsive Sites - Title change and slightly reworded
Content Management System Conflicts - Spelling error and slightly reworded
Influencer feed - changing the images and wording from Twitter to X
X (formerly Twitter) - changing the title, images and wording from Twitter to X
How to setup the X API Key - changing the title, some images and wording from Twitter to X
New Articles:
Personal Settings Page - This article is about the Personal Settings page with the options of changing your profile, changing your password inside TINT, and enabling or disabling Temporary Support Access
Latest Updates - Wondering what's new on TINT? In this article, we will share our latest engineering updates, features, and product changes to keep you in the know about the exciting developments on our platform.
Product Feed - HTTP including HTTPS - A how-to to add HTTP Product account and HTTP Product feed including HTTPS
Global Moderation - Full rewrite
Moderation and various options in the TINT board - Adding a link to Global Moderation
How to Embed a TINT board into a TINT Community - Title change from Vesta to TINT for rebranding reasons
Google Tag Manager for Experience Builder - Updated the section on How to redirect the form somewhere else once the form has been submitted
A guide on how to implement eCommerce Insights - Explanations updated on the code sections and code itself
Everything you need to know about Social feeds - Workflow updated for Instagram authorization & connecting Facebook Pages to Instagram and extra authorization information added for the different social media account
Index of TINT Articles - Personal Settings Page Article added to the index
Product Feeds - Adding HTTP article to the list of available feed
New Articles:
No new articles this month
Cvent - Added sections on Attendee Hub
CSV Product Feed - Added section on How to Export a CSV file
Saved Filter, Product, Keywords, and Tags - Title change, revamped with new sections added
Google Tag Manager for Experience Builder - Wording changes and layout updated
Custom Domain for Experience Builder (ExB) - Wording changes and extra information added
Single sign-on (SSO) and SAML (Enterprise SSO) - Title change, revamped and new sections added
Google Analytics in Experience Builder - Revamped with new images as Google had updated their Analytics
TINT Extension (Chrome and Safari) - Title change, wording changes, and Safari added
Roles and Collaborators - New sections added on SAML changes
New Articles:
Google Tag Manager for Experience Builder - How to use GTM for Experience Builder
Cvent - How to implement a TINT board inside of Cvent
Index of TINT Articles - This index includes all the current TINT Articles by Subject or Feature
TINT API - Overhaul and added 3 how-to sections
Vesta - How to add a Vesta Community feed to a TINT board added
Experience Builder - Information added about the description and the addition of Google Tag Manager
How to embed your TINT board - Subheadings added
Connections and Feed - Image updated as connections have been added to TINT
LinkedIn - Information added on alternative ways to get LinkedIn posts into a TINT board
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