Saved Filters, Products, Keywords, and Tags

In this article, we will cover:

How to search by Keywords

Keyword filtering allows you to only display posts that contain a specific keyword in the text.

Keywords can be used to search quickly in the TINT editor. In order to search for keywords in a TINT, click the magnifying glass icon, and then enter your search term. 


Beyond searching for keywords on a TINT to find posts, you can also embed TINTs that only show posts with a specific keyword (more on that at the end of this article).

How to add a Tag

In addition to keyword filtering, you can also manually add Tags to posts in the TINT Editor. Tags act just like keywords, but they are not visible on your public TINT.

Tags can be manually added to any post in your TINT. Whenever you add a Tag, it will be treated just like a keyword when you filter your posts.

In order to add a tag to a single post:

  1. Click on mceclip0.png in the post 
  2. Type your tag
  3. Either press enter or click on mceclip1.png to add your tag
  4. You can add multiple tags to one post
  5. Click Done to finalize
  6. Your tag(s) will appear at the bottom of your post 


You can also add Tags to multiple posts at the same time. You can either select a few checkboxes or you can select the whole page.  

  1. Select Select All or select multiple posts that you want to tag
  2. Click on mceclip3.png 
  3. Type your tag(s)
  4. Either press enter or click on mceclip1.png to add your tag
  5. Click Done to finalize
  6. Your tag(s) will appear at the bottom of your post 


How to remove a Tag

If you want to remove a single tag:

  1. Click on mceclip0.png in the post 
  2. Click on the mceclip4.png next to the tag(s) you want to remove
  3. Click Done to finalize
  4. Your tag(s) will disappear from the bottom of the post and are removed.



You might want to remove multiple tags for example after a campaign or promotion has ended.

  1. Go into the filter
  2. Find the tags section
  3. Click on the edit button next to Tags
  4. Click the X next to the tag you want to delete
  5. It will ask you if This tag will be permanently removed from all your TINT’s posts. Are you sure you still want to continue? and then Yes, Delete Tag or No, Keep Tag. 
  6. The Tag will disappear from the list
  7. Click on Save at the bottom.  This will cause the lightbox to close.
  8. The Tag will be deleted from all.  You may need to refresh your TINT board to see it reflected in the posts.


How to add a Product Tag

To add a product tag, you will need items in your product feeds.  Click here on how to set these up.  

  1. Go into your TINT board
  2. Find the post you want to put a product tag on
  3. Click on
  4. Click on the blue Add Product Tag button
  5. Draw the box where you want the product tag to live or to skip so there are no bounding box coordinates, click on click here to skip.  With a text-only and video post, this will automatically skip.
  6. Once you have done that, the product feed list will appear on the right-hand side
  7. Click your product 
  8. Click on Assign Product 
  9. For multiple, repeat steps 4-8
  10. To Finish, click the X on the window 


How to remove a Product Tag

To remove  a product tag, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Go into your TINT board
  2. Find the post you want to put a product tag on
  3. Click on
  4. Click on remove next to the product you want to remove
  5. To Finish, click the X on the window 


How to create a Saved Filter

  1. Go to the TINT board where you would like to create a Saved Filter
  2. Click on Filters in the right-hand corner 
  3. Pick in the filter how you want your posts to be filtered
  4. At the bottom of the filter it will say Save Filter, click on this 
  5. Type what you want to save the filter as
  6. Click done to save filter
  7. If you click on the bookmark next to filters, you will see your list

How to create a Saved Filter - 11th September 2023.gif

How to embed a TINT board filtered by Saved Filters

If you haven’t embedded a TINT before, please click here for more information.

To filter by Saved Filters:

  1. Click Display on the TINT board or in Personalization
  2. Once you have select your TINT board and/or selected your Web Embed Personalization, click on the "General" dropdown and fill in all the information 
  3. Then click the dropdown "Advanced Options" 
  4. Select from your dropdown your Saved Filters.  If you do not have any, click here on how to get a saved filter.
  5. Once you’ve copied the TINT embed code into your website’s HTML, you’ll see a TINT that only contains posts from the parameters that you set up in your Saved Filter.

How to filter by saved Filter - Keywords and Tagged filtering.gif

In the example below, the blue is the code that originated out of the TINT editor. The red is the manual data saved filter ID that would be added to the code to generate the specific content for that page.

<script async src=''></script><div class="tintup" data-id="article_board" data-columns="" data-expand="true" style="height: 500px; width: 100%;" data-personalization-id="1095729" data-saved-filter-id="36859" data-infinitescroll="true"></div>

How to embed a TINT board filtered by Product

If you haven’t embedded a TINT before, please click here for more information.

To filter by Product:

  1. Click Display on the TINT board or in Personalization
  2. Once you have select your TINT board and/or selected your Web Embed Personalization, click on the "General" dropdown and fill in all the information 
  3. Then click the dropdown "Advanced Options" 
  4. Type in the desired keyword into the FILTER BY PRODUCT field.  To do multiple, put a comma in between the keywords.  For example, sku012345,sku23456, 
  5. Once you’ve copied the TINT embed code into your website’s HTML, you’ll see a TINT that only contains posts that have those specific product tags

_How to filter by Product - Keywords and Tagged filtering.gif

In the example below, the blue is the code that originated out of the TINT editor. The red is the manual data product SKU that would be added to the code to generate the specific content for that page.

<script async src=''></script><div class="tintup" data-id="article_board" data-columns="" data-expand="true" style="height: 500px; width: 100%;" data-personalization-id="1095729" data-product-sku="sku012345" data-infinitescroll="true"></div>

How to embed a TINT board filtered by Keywords

If you haven’t embedded a TINT before, please click here for more information.

To embed a keyword-filtered TINT:

  1. Click Display on the TINT board or in Personalization
  2. Once you have select your TINT board and/or selected your Web Embed Personalization, click on the "General" dropdown and fill in all the information 
  3. Then click the dropdown "Advanced Options" 
  4. Type in the desired keyword into the FILTER BY KEYWORD field.  To do multiple, put a comma in between the keywords.  For example, night sky, landscapes,
  5. Once you’ve copied the TINT embed code into your website’s HTML, you’ll see a TINT that only contains posts with your specified Keyword


In the example below, the blue is the code that originated out of the TINT editor. The red is the manual data tags that would be added to the code to generate the specific content for that page.

<script async src=''></script><div class="tintup" data-id="article_board" data-columns="" data-expand="true" style="height: 500px; width: 100%;" data-personalization-id="1087643" data-query="Night sky" data-infinitescroll="true"></div>

How to embed a TINT board filtered by Tags

For Tags, it's a similar process.

  1. Click Display on the TINT board or in Personalization
  2. Once you have select your TINT board and/or selected your Web Embed Personalization, click on the "General" dropdown and fill in all the information 
  3. Then click the dropdown "Advanced Options" 
  4. Type in the desired keyword into the FILTER BY TAGS field
  5. Once you’ve copied the TINT embed code into your website’s HTML, you’ll see a TINT that only contains posts with your specified Tag.


In the example below, the blue is the code that originated out of the TINT editor. The red is the manual data tags that would be added to the code to generate the specific content for that page.

<script async src=''></script><div class="tintup" data-id="article_board" data-columns="" data-expand="true" style="height: 500px; width: 100%;" data-personalization-id="1087643" data-tags="night_sky" data-infinitescroll="true"></div>

How to display a TINT board filtered by Saved Filter

To display a Saved Filter filtered TINT, append your display URL with a Saved Filter ID parameter, which is &saved_filter_id="xxxxx"

Currently, to get the saved filter ID, you would need to create a web embed version of a personalization and get the Saved Filter ID by getting the web embed, please click here for more information on how to do this.  You might find it easier to construct this manually with the slug, personalization ID and the saved filter ID.

Here's where to find these elements:

How to find Saved ID filter element- Keyword and Tagging - 11 September 2023.gif

A display URL is constructed as following with Saved Filter ID:

For example:

Slug: article_board
Personalization: 1087534
Saved Filter ID: 36859

The URL:

However, this parameter should not be used for events where live updates are necessary: InsTINT updates (auto updates) do not work when this additional parameter is included.

How to display a TINT board filtered by Product

You can also use Product filtering on displays, by appending your display URL with an additional parameter. If you haven't displayed a TINT board before via URL, click here for more information on how to do this.  

To display a product filtered TINT, append your display URL with a query parameter which is &product_sku=

For example, let's use the product SKU for Daffodils.  To find your SKUs in TINT, either click on the post that has a product tag or search for them in Team Settings > Product Feeds > click ... and View Products select the feed you want to look at.

Where to find Product Tag SKUs- Tagging for Product and R&Rs - 8th September (1).gif

Again, please note that InsTINT updates (auto-updates) are disabled when you append the display URL with this additional parameter.

How to display a TINT board filtered by Keywords

You can also use keyword filtering on displays, by appending your display URL with an additional parameter. If you haven't displayed a TINT board before via URL, click here for more information on how to do this.  

To display a keyword filtered TINT, append your display URL with a query parameter which is &query=

For example, let's use the keyword sky:

Again, please note that InsTINT updates (auto-updates) are disabled when you append the display URL with this additional parameter.

How to display a TINT board filtered by Tags

To display a Tag filtered TINT, append your display URL with a tags parameter which is &tags=. For example, let's use the tag night_sky

Again, please note that InsTINT updates (auto-updates) are disabled when you append the display URL with this additional parameter.

How to auto-tag content via a Form Build Submission

You can auto-tag a post when a user submits their form. To set this up, you will need to do the following two steps:

  1. Add a Public Add a Post Feed to your TINT board with the option Post Tag enabled. This will not work with Form Builder Feed as only PaaP and Rating & Review has the auto-tag option.
  2. Add the element Hidden on the form and Publish. Take note of the Form Element ID as this is what you will use in the next part. To get this, click on the element. You can also add multiple Hidden elements but in this example, we will only be using one and the Form Element ID is hidden_0.

  3. Now you will need to modify your form embed script. Either pull it from TINT or edit this if already embedded. To trigger the tagging element of the script, you will need to add: data-form-values="hidden_x=xxxxxx"

This is an example

<script async src=""></script>
<div data-team-id="360919"

This will trigger my hidden_0 element to auto-tag with test for article tag when to any submission that comes in. You can also use the [] to auto-tag multiple tags. For example: data-form-values="hidden_0=test%20for%20article&hidden_1[]=tag1&hidden_2[]=tag2"

To see these tags on your posts in the Public PaaP, you need to make sure that you set your Post Tag element the same as the hidden element that you have put in your form and embed.

Hidden Element - Form Builder - 26th June 2024.gif

As shown in my example, the tag test for article contains spaces. However, in code, spaces must be represented in a specific way, such as "test%20for%20article".  This is the same for other characters so to ensure your text is displayed and tagged correctly, you can use an encoder to convert it properly.  Click here for a tool to encode or decode. 

How to auto-generate tags on Public or Rating & Review posts for a WebEmbed

To automatically generate tags on your Public Posts or Ratings & Reviews posts, do the following:

  1. You must add a tag you want to appear on the post, onto a post in the TINT board where you have your Public Post feed and/or Rating & Reviews feed on.  To learn how to add a tag to a single post or multiple tags, go to the section on How to add a Tag.
    For Product SKU, as long as the chosen Product SKU that you will put in data-post-tags="xxxx" exists on the account in Product Feeds, it will auto-tag. To find your SKUs, go to your Products Feeds in Team Settings and click into one of the feeds to find the SKU or you can download the CSV which holds all the SKUs that the product feeds has on the previous page to this.  For more information about Product feeds, go to the section on how to view a product feed or how to download the CSV file.

  2. Then you will need to generate your web embed.  Click here on how to do this. 
  3. Once you have your embed code, add data-post-tags="xxxx" into the snippet.  For tags, it will be the tag that you added to your post, and for product tags, it will be the SKU that is on the product.  

Difference Tag vs Product Tags - Tagging for Product and R&Rs - 8th September.gif

Here are some examples of the Web Embeds for Public Add a Post and Ratings and Reviews:


<script async src=''></script><div class="tintup" data-id="article_board" data-columns="" data-expand="true" data-post-tags="landscape" style="height: 500px; width: 100%;" data-personalization-id="1095729" data-infinitescroll="true"></div>

Product Tag

<script async src=''></script><div class="tintup" data-id="new_ratings_and_review_test_board" data-columns="" data-post-tags="sku012345" data-expand="true" style="height: 500px; width: 100%;" data-personalization-id="1095836" data-infinitescroll="true"></div>

Just copy your embed into your website code and now when someone goes to your web embed and click Write A Review or Add A Post, when they submit the post, it will automatically tag the content in the TINT board.

Auto Tag in PAaP - Tagging for Product and R&Rs - 8th September.gif

_Auto Tag in R&R - Tagging for Product and R&Rs - 8th September.gif

How to auto-generate tags on Public or Rating & Review posts from Signage URL

  1. You must add a tag you want to appear on the post, onto a post in the TINT board where you have your Public Post feed and/or Rating & Reviews feed on. To learn how to add a tag to a single post or multiple tags, go to the section on How to add a Tag.
  2. For Product SKU, as long as the chosen Product SKU that you will put in postTags=xxxxxx on your URL exists on the account in Product Feeds, it will auto-tag. To find your SKUs, go to your Products Feeds in Team Settings and click into one of the feeds to find the SKU or you can download the CSV which holds all the SKUs that the product feeds has on the previous page to this. For more information about Product feeds, go to the section on how to view a product feed or how to download the CSV file.
  3. Then you will need to generate your Signage URL.  Click here on how to do this. Though for a R&R theme which is a Web Embed theme, you can use the URL on that you get from Open in New Tab
  4. The URL will look something like this - and then you will add &postTags=xxxxxxxx to auto tag this

Difference Tag vs Product Tags - Tagging for Product and R&Rs - 8th September.gif

Here are some examples of the display/signage URLS for Public Add a Post and Ratings and Reviews:


Auto Tag in PAaP - Tagging for Product and R&Rs - 8th September.gif

Product Tag

_Auto Tag in R&R - Tagging for Product and R&Rs - 8th September.gif

Just use this URL for example in a product review email and now when someone goes to this URL and click Write A Review or Add A Post, when they submit the post, it will automatically tag the content in the TINT board.

How to display tag filters on Web Embed

You can give your user the ability to filter by the specific tags that you have placed on your TINT board in the TINT editor.

The standard navigation bar that displays a list of social feeds is replaced with a list of specific tags that you have specified. This only works for multiple tags.

  1. You will need to generate your web embed.  
  2. Select or search for your personalization on the right-hand side panel and select your Website Embed personalization.  These Website Embed personalizations are
          * Website Embed
          * Mobile App
          * Live Event
          * Shoppable Instagram
    If it’s an old personalization before hyper-personalization, then it will ask you to choose Website Embed or Signage Display as in the picture below.  
    • Click next
    • Open up General and customize your TINT board for the web embed
    • Open up Advanced Filters.  Here you have the ability to customize your web embed even further
    • Open up Embed Code and you will be able to copy your embed code by clicking Copy to Clipboard 
    • If you want to view your Website Embed, click on Open in New Tab which opens the TINT board preview in a new browser window
    • Click Done when you are finished

General options


Choose px or % for the width of your TINT board


Choose px or % for the height of your TINT board

Display Type

Infinite Scroll: More posts will load as your users scrolls towards to the end of your TINT board


Click for More:  More posts will load on your TINT when the Click More button is clicked

Page by Page: A fixed number of posts is shown, with buttons to navigate from page to page.


# of Columns

Choose how many columns you want to appear on your TINT board.  If you leave this blank, the amount of columns will adjust to the screensize

Advanced Filter options

This is the only option to can choose to get the tag filter option:

Filter by Tags

Filter your TINT board by Product. Helpful in creating multiple unique displays with different content from a single TINT board

For example: 

<script async src=''></script><div class="tintup" data-id="article_board" data-columns="" data-tags="landscape,sunset,waterfall" data-expand="true" style="height: 500px; width: 100%;" data-personalization-id="1095729" data-infinitescroll="true"></div>

Filter Tags in Nav Bar - Saved Filter, Product, Keyword,  and Tags - 21st September 2023 (2).gif

Note: With one tag, you will still see the standard navigation bar. If you don't want to have the filter tags and want the standard navigation bar to display, use a saved filter instead to filter by tags. 

Also, there is currently no built-in way to provide human-readable text for tags (e.g. showing tag “prescriptionsunglasses” as “Prescription Sunglasses”) so please tag your content how you would like your tags to be displayed.

How to display tag filters on Signage URL

You can give your user the ability to filter by the specific tags that you have placed on your TINT board in the TINT editor.

The standard navigation bar that displays a list of social feeds is replaced with a list of specific tags that you have specified. This only works for multiple tags.   For example:,%20sunset,%20waterfall 

Filter Tags in Nav Bar - Saved Filter, Product, Keyword,  and Tags - 21st September 2023 (1).gif

Note: With one tag, you will still see the standard navigation bar. If you don't want to have the filter tags and want the standard navigation bar to display, use a saved filter instead to filter by tags. Also, there is currently no built-in way to provide human-readable text for tags (e.g. showing tag “prescriptionsunglasses” as “Prescription Sunglasses”) so please tag your content how you would like your tags to be displayed.

How to copy tags from TINT boards to UGC Studio

You might want to have the same tags in UGC Studio on your rights-requested content as you do on your TINT boards.

To enable the Shared Tags feature:

  1. Click on your name in the right-hand corner
  2. Click on team settings
  3. Click on Preferences in the left-hand column
  4. Click on the Switch to enable the feature and copy the tags over
  5. Once you have switched the switch on, there will be an optional option to only share specific tags.  If that is the case, fill in those tags in the comment box.  Put one tag per line.
  6. Click Save


How to tag an individual asset in UGC Studio 

If you want to tag an individual asset in UGC Studio, do the following:

  1. Click on the blue double arrow button on the asset itself
  2. This will open up the asset fully
  3. Scroll down on the right-hand side and find Tags
  4. Type in the tag you want on the asset
  5. Click the plus sign to add or press enter


How to delete a tag from an individual asset in UGC Studio

If you want to delete a tag on an individual asset, do the following:

  1. Click on the blue double arrow button on the asset itself
  2. This will open up the asset fully
  3. Scroll down on the right-hand side and find Tags
  4. Click on the x on the tag you want to delete


How to tag multiple assets in UGC Studio

If you want to tag multiple assets in UGC Studio, do the following:

  1. Select the asset that you want to tag
  2. Click on the ...
  3. Click on Add Tags
  4. This will open a popup window
  5. Type in the tag you want on the asset
  6. Click the plus to add or press enter
  7. If you want to do multiple tags on these assets, keep adding more
  8. Once finished, click Apply
  9. It will say in a green bar in the left hand corner, "Asset has been updated"


How to filter by tag in UGC Studio

Now, that you have added your tags, you can filter by them.  To do this:

  1. In My Assets, click on Tags in the menu bar
  2. Either Search for your tag or select it from the dropdown menu
  3. This will be filtered by this tag
  4. To change the tag, click on the dropdown again and select a new tag
  5. To remove the tag, click clear filter in the menu bar



If you have any additional questions regarding Saved Filter, Products, Keywords and Tag Filtering, please contact Technical Support at

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