
In this article, we will cover: 

Our ReviewTrackers integration allows you to add real reviews from customers on Yelp, Facebook, Foursquare, Tripadvisor, Google, Yahoo, and Grubhub

How to add a ReviewTrackers feed

  1. Go to your TINT board
  2. Click on the following symbol in the CONTENT Panel
  3. Fill in the details of the location that you would like to pull in reviews for.  Location Name, Address, City, State/Province, Zip/PostalCode, and Country
  4. Leave ticked or unticked if you want manual moderation or auto-moderation on
  5. Click Add Social Feed

ReviewTrackers - How to add ReviewTrackers feed - 7th March 2024.gif

Please note that reviews may take up to 48 hours to register on your TINT, as we rely on a third-party service to assist with the initial setup. Afterward, you will see reviews for your location on your TINT board.  The reviews will also be automatically tagged from what platform they came from:


How to edit the label on a ReviewTrackers feed

By default, the label for the feed itself will be the location name but you are able to change this to whatever you would like.  

  1. Go to the feed you would like to edit
  2. Click on the Settings cog
  3. Click on Edit Name
  4. Rename the feed to what you would like it to be 
  5. Click on the tick to confirm or the x to cancel
  6. Your feed should be renamed

ReviewTrackers - How to edit the label on a ReviewTrackers feed  - Updated 26th February.gif

How to delete a ReviewTrackers feed

  1. Go to the feed you would like to edit
  2. Click on the Settings cog
  3. Click on Remove Feed
  4. A pop-up notification will appear with Are you sure? All content on this social feed will be deleted and cannot be recovered. Re-adding the exact feed will not recover these posts.  You will be presented with two buttons - No, Keep Feed or Yes, Delete Feed
  5. The feed should disappear if you press Yes, Delete Feed

ReviewTrackers - How to delete a ReviewTrackers feed  - 7th March 2024.gif

How to pause or unpause a ReviewTrackers feed 

You can pause or unpause your ReviewTrackers feed if you don't want to ingest content or want to restart ingesting content.

To Pause the feed:

  1. Go to the feed you would like to pause 
  2. Click on the pause icon to pause the feed
  3. A popup box will say Are you sure? All content on this social feed will be paused and no new content will be ingested until its is un-paused
  4. Click on Yes, Pause Feed
  5. This will Pause the feed

_ReviewTrackers - How to pause a ReviewTrackers feed  - 7th March 2024.gif

To Unpause the feed:

  1. Go to the feed you would like to unpause
  2. Click on the Play icon to unpause the feed
  3. This will unpause the feed

Copy of  ReviewTrackers - How to unpause a ReviewTrackers feed  - 7th March 2024.gif

If you experience any problems adding a Review Trackers location, please don’t hesitate to contact Technical Support at

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