Call To Action (CTA) Button

In this article, we cover:

Have you ever wanted to drive traffic from your TINT embed to a certain action/web page? Or drive some sort of ROI like more purchases or donations? Our custom Call To Action (CTA) button make it possible to do just that! You can easily add a button to individual posts in the TINT Editor. You can even apply global CTAs across entire connections. Please note that not all of the TINT themes support CTA buttons.

How to create a new CTA and add it to an individual post

  1. Go into your TINT board which takes you to the TINT editor
  2. Find the post that you want to put a CTA on and click on the megaphone
  3. A pop-up menu will appear on the right-hand side.  Click on "+ Create a new CTA"
  4. Fill in the CTA Title, Button Text, Link URL, and the optional option of Apply Saved Filter
  5. Click on Save
  6. Then the CTA you have just created will appear but it will be unticked
  7. Click the CTA so it has a tick next to it
  8. Click Confirm 
  9. Now your CTA label will be on your post

CTA Article - How to create a CTA and adding to a post Updated 22nd February.gif

How to create a CTA without adding it to a post

  1. Go into your TINT board which takes you to the TINT editor
  2. Click on Manage CTAs in the content panel
  3. A pop-up menu will appear on the right-hand side.  Click on "+ Create a new CTA"
  4. Fill in the CTA Title, Button Text and Link URL and the optional option of Apply Saved Filter
  5. Click on Save
  6. Then CTA you have just created will appear but it will be unticked
  7. Click the CTA so it has a tick next to it
  8. Click Confirm
  9. Now your CTA will be ready for any time you want to add it to a post

CTA Article - How to create a CTA without adding it to a post Updated 22nd February (1).gif

How to add an existing CTA to an individual post

  1. Go into your TINT board which takes you to the TINT editor
  2. Find the post that you want to put a CTA on and click on the megaphone
  3. A pop-up menu will appear on the right-hand side
  4. Find the CTA that you want to apply
  5. Click the CTA so it has a tick next to it
  6. Click Confirm 
  7. Now your CTA label will be on your post

CTA Article - How to add an existing CTA to an individual post - 3rd August.gif

How to remove a CTA from an individual post

  1. Go into your TINT board which takes you to the TINT editor
  2. Find the post that you want to remove the CTA from and click on the megaphone
  3. A pop-up menu will appear on the right-hand side
  4. Click untick the CTA that's ticked
  5. Click Confirm
  6. Now your CTA label will be removed from your post

CTA Article - How to remove an existing CTA to an individual post - 3rd August.gif

How to edit or delete a CTA

  1. Go into your TINT board which takes you to the TINT editor
  2. Click on Manage CTAs in the content panel
  3. A pop-up menu will appear on the right-hand side. 
  4. Click on the CTA that you want to edit or delete
  5. For editing, just change what you need to 
  6. Click on Save
  7. For deleting, click the Delete CTA
  8. A pop-up will appear saying "This CTA is currently applied to x posts. Are you sure you want to permanently delete this CTA and remove it from all posts?" and the options with be No, keep CTA or Yes, delete CTA
  9. Click Confirm to close the CTA Menu

CTA Article - How to edit or delete a CTA Updated 22 Feb 2024 .gif

How to add Smart CTAs via Saved Filters

You might want to apply to CTA to a select group of posts.  First, you will need to create a Saved Filter.  Click here for more information on how to do this.  

  1. Go into your TINT board which takes you to the TINT editor
  2. Click on Manage CTAs in the content panel
  3. A pop-up menu will appear on the right-hand side. 
  4. Fill in the CTA Title, Button Text, and Link URL and apply the Saved Filter
  5. Click on Save
  6. The CTA should be highlighted with the number of posts it's been applied (how many posts are in that filter)
  7. Click Confirm to close the CTA Menu

CTA Article - How to add Smart CTAs via Saved Filters - Updated 22 Feb 2024.gif

If you run into any issues creating CTA buttons, please don’t hesitate to contact Technical Support at

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