Bizzabo + TINT

In this article, we will look at:

How to embed a TINT board into a Bizzabo Event Website Page

Once you have created your event, you can get started by creating your event website.  To add a TINT board to one of the pages of the website, do the following: 

  1. Go into your event
  2. Whether it's your first time to set up your Bizzabo Event Website or if you have already started, you can click on Design Event Website. 
  3. This will open a new view. Once your event website has loaded, navigate to the page you want to add the embed on and click on Page Elements
  4. Then you need to look for the code element
  5. Drag this into the website page and place where you want the TINT board to be displayed
  6. Click on Edit 
  7. This will open a new view and you will see two windows.  On the right hand, you will see height and width.  We suggest that you set this to the same height as your TINT board unless you plan to add more text above or below the TINT board
  8. Copy your web embed in the code section.  On how to get your TINT board web embed, click here.  The TINT board will not display here due to how the script works.
  9. Click Save once you are done.  
  10. Click on Preview to see how your web embed is displayed in mobile, tablet or desktop view

Bizzabo - How to put a TINT board on Bizzabo - 27th March 2024 (2).gif

How to embed a Form Builder Form into a Bizzabo Event Website Page

  1. Go into your event
  2. Whether it's your first time to set up your Bizzabo Event Website or if you have already started, you can click on Design Event Website. 
  3. This will open a new view. Once your event website has loaded, navigate to the page you want to add the embed on and click on Page Elements
  4. Then you need to look for the code element
  5. Drag this into the website page and place where you want the Form Builder Form to be
  6. Click on Edit 
  7. This will open a new view
  8. Copy your form embed in the code section.  On how to get your Form Build Form embed, click here.  
  9. Click Save once you are done.  
  10. Click on Preview to see how your web embed is displayed in mobile, tablet or desktop view

Bizzabo - How to embed a form .gif

If you run into any issues embedding your TINT board or Form Builder Form into Bizzabo, please don’t hesitate to contact Technical Support at

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