Custom Domain for Experience Builder (ExB)

In this article, we will cover: 

TINT's Experience Builder (ExB) allows our clients to create immersive experiences to engage your users.  The Custom Domain feature allows you to create a unique URL that fits with your brand. 

How to get started with a Custom Domain

1. Create your own Domain

You will need a domain that you already own. In most cases, this will be your company website.   If you don't already have a domain, there are a variety of sites to choose from for your own domain name. You can do a simple search for “domain hosting” and select the site that best fits your needs.

2. Change DNS settings in your Domain

You will need to make some changes in the DNS settings.  To gain access or change the DNS Settings of your website, you might need to get in contact with

  • System administrators
  • Network engineers
  • Security engineers
  • Web developers
  • Other IT staff

to implement this.

This example is with Google Domain. Other versions will have the same options but a different user interface.

  1. Under the custom resource records, you will change the first field from “@” to “www”.
  2. The second field will need to be changed from A to CNAME.
  3. The third field will be “1H”.
  4. Finally, the fourth field needs to be “”. The fourth field is very important as it connects your domain to ours. Then click add

Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 11.51.36 AM.png

How to add your Custom Domain to Experience Builder

Now go to Experience Builder by clicking on the horn icon within the left navigation bar in your TINT dashboard.

  1. Click on settings cog next to “Add an Experience”
  2. Click on Custom Domains
  3. This will take you to a new page.  Click on Add Domain. Since I added “www” to my DNS settings outlined in step 2, I will enter Click continue.
  4. Make sure the Domain URL is correct. Type will show as CNAME. Points To will always be Click Continue
  5. Custom Domain will show yellow pending text under your domain URL. You will still be able to Publish your pages with your custom domain while approval is pending.  Once it's approved, it will say Valid next to the URL


Publishing your URL

  1. Go to the ExB page you wish to publish. In the top right-hand corner, click on the Settings cog next to publish. 
  2. Change the field under SLUG/FRIENDLY URL to your desired name. For more information on how to customize your Experience Builder page, click here. This will be visible to your customers. Click apply.
  3. Then click on publish next to the Settings cog. The color of the publish button will change to black. 
  4. Now go back to the Settings cog and click on that so you can click Copy URL, paste it into your browser and visit your ExB page
  5. Share the URL with your IT department and/or customers. 


How is your Custom Domain via ExB secured?

When you added your Custom Domain to Experience Builder, your page will automatically be given a SSL certificate by Let's Encrypt.  We don't support user provided SSL certificates. 

If you or your organization use CAA records to limit which certificate authorities can issue certificates on your behalf, you will need to add a CAA record For more information about Let’s Encrypt, click here. 

If you have any questions regarding Custom Domains, don't hesitate to contact Technical Support at

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