
In this article, we will cover:

How to add an Email feed to your TINT board

  1. Go to your TINT board and locate the CONTENT panel found on the left-hand side of the page. The Content panel is where you add connections to your TINT.
  2. Click on the Email feed button
  3. For manual post approval, uncheck the box - I would like to manually approve posts before they appear publicly on my TINT. Otherwise, your posts will be published directly.
  4. Click Add Social Feed
  5. Your feed will appear in seconds on the left-hand side and that will tell you want your new email address is.  

Email Article - How to add Email Feed - Updated 22 February 2024 (1).gif

How to use your email feed

Email feeds are really useful for when you want your users to send you content especially when it comes to images. Nearly everyone has email. It's so easy to open up your email, attach a photo and send.  The application is endless, it could be for a contest, competition, or to use an event.

How to delete an email feed

  1. Go to the feed you would like to edit
  2. Click on the Settings cog
  3. Click on Remove Feed
  4. A pop-up notification will appear with Are you sure? All content on this social feed will be deleted and cannot be recovered. Re-adding the exact feed will not recover these posts.  You will be presented with two buttons - No, Keep Feed or Yes, Delete Feed
  5. The feed should disappear if you press Yes, Delete Feed

Email Article - How to delete a Email feed  - Updated 23rd Feb 2024.gif

How to pause or unpause an email feed 

You can pause or unpause your Email feed if you don't want to ingest content or want to restart ingesting content.

To Pause the feed:

  1. Go to the feed you would like to pause 
  2. Click on the pause icon to pause the feed
  3. A popup box will say Are you sure? All content on this social feed will be paused and no new content will be ingested until its is un-paused
  4. Click on Yes, Pause Feed
  5. This will Pause the feed

How to PauseUnpause on Email Feed - Email - Updated 23 Feb 2024.gif

How to switch on or switch off auto-moderation on an Email Feed

If you would like to change the method of moderation (auto or manual) that you originally set up on the feed, it is possible to change this on the feed itself

  1. Go to the feed you would like to change
  2. Click on the lock icon to change the moderation the feed.  The lock will be open or closed depending on whether the feed is on auto or manual moderation
  3. If auto-moderation is being switched on: A popup box will say Are you sure? By unlocking this feed, the content will now be unmoderated, and will be marked as visible as to the public automatically and Click on Yes, Unlock Feed

How to switch off & on auto moderation on Email Feed - Email - Update 23rd Feb 2024.gif

If you have any questions regarding the email feed, don't hesitate to contact Technical Support at

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